
Z-AGENCY s.r.o.
Karlova 1054/38
614 00 Brno
Czech Republic

ID: 01527932
VAT ID: CZ01527932
Z-AGENCY s.r.o. company is written in business register, that is led by the regional court in Brno, section C, section-mark 78450. Organizer´s third party damage insurance is 25 000 000 CZK. In addition to invoicing, we also accept payment cards using the ČSOB payment gateway.
We also accept payment cards using the ČSOB payment gateway.

Contact our Team

Jiří Zmidloch
managing director
Kateřina Juchelková
sales & event manager
Marta Havlíčková
Marta Havlíčková
event specialist
Petra Říhová
event specialist
Pavel Dvořáček
Pavel Dvořáček
production specialist
Michal Sojka
production specialist

Ask us

Your personal information will be processed according to our privacy policy
We'll get back to you within the hour if we're not on an event.