The end of circuses and national watermelon day
Turkmenistan's president Saparmurat Niyazov was anything but a conventional politician. Above all, he revelled in bans of all kinds. During his reign, he banned beards, gold teeth, circuses and ballet.
But the bizarre moments of his reign did not end there. He declared himself a god and named two months of the year after himself and his mother. Next to that, his proclamations of National Watermelon Day and National Horse Day seem like a weak concoction.
If you're thinking this story comes from history, you're wrong. Saparmurat Niyazov was Turkmenistan's first president and ruled from 1990 to 2006. During his reign, Saparmurat managed to appoint himself Prime Minister and Marshal. That's what we call lust for power.
Ruling from the sanatorium
You may remember Rob Ford's name from the news. His case is only a few years old. This Toronto mayor was only convicted by a video recording of him smoking crack in 2012.
Ford did not respond to numerous calls for his resignation, telling the media that it was an isolated experiment and a personal failure. However, no other recordings incriminating the mayor of repeated drug use were allowed to see the light of day during the same week.
But even further scandals didn't make Ford resign. He did not give up his mayoral post and held on to it even while he was in rehab. He became the only mayor to hold office among drug addicts and alcoholics.
The last King of Scotland
This story may look funny at first glance, but there is a dark underbelly behind it. Idi Amin was Uganda's president and dictator who ruled the country after a coup from 1971 to 1979.
His tyranny earned him an unflattering nickname - the Butcher of Kampala. His regime's rule cost the lives of at least 300 000 people and left thousands of people tortured and harshly interrogated.
Amin survived several attempts at revolution and considered himself the last King of Scotland. But that was not his only title. Amin also called himself lord of all creatures on land and water and conqueror of the British Empire.